Fine Forest Management Of The Worlds Finest Forests

We offer a full suite of timber management services. From stream typing, road surveys, forest inventory, stand exams, and prescription writing to project layout, tree marking, boundary delineation, and timber cruising, we can carry out all the necessary steps to prepare your property for active management.


Working with private landowners of all sizes, we routinely act as a general contractor to ensure quality implementation of the management plans and prescriptions that we develop for our clients’ properties. We work with a wide network of contractors throughout the Pacific Northwest. Our approach begins with developing a management plan for your property and identifying a timeline of activities to implement the project. We then solicit bids from contractors and can work with you to select an appropriate organization for each activity. The implementation of each activity often involves on-site meetings with the contractor as well as continuous compliance monitoring and follow-up meetings to ensure that the treatment objectives are met.


We can carry out all the necessary steps to prepare your property for active management.



Collectively, Resilient Forestry senior staff have over 40 years of experience in forest inventory and mensuration. We are familiar with traditional forest inventory techniques, including forest stratification, sampling design, fixed/variable/nested plot designs, timber cruising, and botany surveys. We have established workflows for estimating volume/biomass and modeling growth and yield with popular tools such as SuperACE and FVS, as well as in-house tools. 


We are proficient with even-aged strategies for maximizing yield; however, we most often recommend and design multi-aged silvicultural strategies in order to balance ecological objectives with economic considerations. Our main tools are variable density thinning, gap cutting, and variable retention harvesting. Many of our prescriptions incorporate a focus on creating heterogeneous spatial patterns forming a mosaic of individual trees, clumps, and openings.

Our Recent Timber Management Projects

Seed Collection Summit
Seed Collection Summit

Learning about the current state of seed collection for reforestation in the Northwest

Just What The Doctor Ordered…
Just What The Doctor Ordered…

Prescription writing is an important management tool that foresters use to make sure we keep our forests healthy, productive, and thriving. It is where rubber meets the road, and science becomes action.