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Life on the Trailing Edge
In some places, drought plus fire might mean forest loss.

Trusting Us With The Future Of Your Forest
Our clients develop a deep connection with their land and want to make sure it is taken care of now and for the foreseeable future. That is why they entrust us to develop a Forest Stewardship Plan for their forested land.

Just What The Doctor Ordered…
Prescription writing is an important management tool that foresters use to make sure we keep our forests healthy, productive, and thriving. It is where rubber meets the road, and science becomes action.

Midnight Landscape Analysis
Applying landscape ecology to forest restoration

Grow Back Better
A social-ecological research project

Special Stewardship Opportunities
There is a lot of potential to increase ecological value by enhancing the structural diversity of the forest and expanding wildlife habitat in the right-of-way. But what really creates the opportunity is the landowner’s passion for their unique property.